Best Seller! - A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback (*Autographed Collector's Edition Hardcover Book)

Dr. Willie Jolley's International Bestseller is changing lives worldwide! Get your autographed copy today!

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Product Description

A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback has become a global best-seller. Now, preachers, teachers, business leaders and even President Biden are quoting it!



We often become discouraged when things don’t go as planned. But it’s never too late to start again—as long as we are breathing!


What do you need to do? Work on yourself!


But getting the momentum to disciple yourself to act NOW can be too much for you do alone.


Learn the powerful techniques, ideas, principles and strategies that other winners have used to turn their setbacks into incredible comebacks!


Rave Reviews


"All my life my wife would comment on how I was able to "crap a golden horseshoe". The problem was tho that I always did it out of desperation not inspiration. Thi book has taught me how to be inspired. I've always been s positive person but this book has shown me how to take it to the next level or to "kick it up a notch!". Dr. Jolley's foundational spiritual message is perfect. VDAD is a part of my life now and I thank him for the valuable knowledge."
—J. Boling



"'A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback' is the bible for survival when you are talking about attitude!"
—Bev Smith, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host

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